jueves, 29 de abril de 2021


Name and Surname: __________________________________________

 Date: ______________


 Fecha de entrega: 30 de Abril hasta 11:30hs sin excepcion

 Enviar foto clara del trabajo resuelto por e-mail a: Prof: Wolos Veronica wolosveronica2@gmail.com/ Prof Ferreyra Nancy nanferreyra03@gmail.com y a tu preceptora. ( enviar a las 3 personas ) 

Criterios de evaluación: - El examen será recibido solamente por e-mail y hasta la fecha y hora pautada. La presentación debe ser clara, legible y prolija. -Si el examen esta desaprobado NO se realizara ZOOM se hará la devolución escrita en forma virtual.

 -Las consignas se considerarán correctas cuando se haya cumplido con lo requerido, aplicando las estructuras y tiempos verbales solicitados. 

-Si cumple en forma clara y consistente con al menos el 70 % de las consignas el alumno deberá realizar un encuentro virtual Zoom para aprobar la instancia el día viernes 30/4 a las 15:30hs -En el encuentro ZOOM el alumno deberá confirmar su identidad activando la cámara. Si no se puede establecer contacto visual y/o auditivo se reprogramara el encuentro.

1)Read the text and answer.

 Giant pandas are mammals classified in the bear family. Giant pandas live in Central and Western China. They eat mostly bamboo shoots but they also eat honey, eggs and fish. Pandas have a very distinctive black and white coat and they can live for 20 to 30 years in captivity. Pandas do not hibernate. Giant pandas are in danger of extinction and are now a protected species. They are a symbol of the international animal conservation programme

A)Are giant pandas mammals? ______________________________________ 

B )Do they live in China? ______________________________________

 C)Do they eat tomatoes? _____________________________________ 

D)Are they brown? ______________________________________ 

3) Complete with AM – IS – ARE.

 a) I ______________ at school now

b) They ____________ very good friends.

. c) We _________ at the museum at the moment. 

 d) He __________ a good student. 

4) Complete with WAS – WERE.

 a) She ___________________ at the cinema yesterday.

 b) They _________________ in Brazil last year.

 c) I ______________ in the park last Saturday

d) You ________________ at school yesterday. 

5)Write the times.

 a) 8.00 _____________________________  

 b) 3.30 _____________________________ 

 c) 6.30_______________________________________

d) 3.00 _____________________________

6)Complete with BECAUSE – SO

. a) He has some money, ____________ he is going to buy an ice cream. 

b) She takes off her jacket ________________ it is hot.

 c) He goes to bed _________________ he has a sore throat

. d) My homework was difficult, ____________ I asked my father to help me

7) Complete with MUST or MUSTN’T and the correct verb. (RUN, USE, DROP, BE).

 a) You ______________________ rubbish in the rubbish bins.

 b) You ______________________ your mobile phone in class.

 c) You ______________________ quiet in the library. 

d) You ______________________ in the corridor.